Powering the world with clean and economical electricity from the oceans
CorPower Ocean AB has developed a compact high-efficiency Wave Energy Converter, inspired by the pumping principles of the human heart. Using a new phase control method, the Wave Energy Converters always oscillate in resonance with the incoming waves, strongly amplifying their motion and power capture. Phase controlled oscillation offers an exceptionally high energy density, 5 times higher than conventional Wave Energy Converters without phase control. The technology allows a large amount of energy to be harvested using a small device.
The challenge in wave power is to design a device that is robust enough to survive the toughest storms, at the same time produce enough energy to make it a viable business case. So far wave energy converters have been too large and costly compared to their energy output, which has prevented commercial harvesting.
Our aim is to establish a new generation of highly effective wave power for utility-scale energy generation offering a cost of energy that can compete with established energy resources.
In a world of exponentially spiralling environmental pressures, the need for alternative energy production systems is overriding. Harvesting nature’s vast resource of energy contained in ocean waves sustainably and effectively could potentially produce 2000-4000TWh of electricity per year – 10-20% of worldwide electricity consumption – and create a world where producing human energy needs is efficient, clean and economical.
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